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Federal Research Center 
"Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the Siberian
Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"

 Федеральный исследовательский центр «Красноярский научный центр Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук»

Federal Research Center 
"Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the Siberian
Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"

Happy Cosmonautics

12 April 2021 г. FRC KSC SB RAS

 С Днем космонавтики
Manned space exploration celebrates its 60th anniversary. A decent age to have a story of its own. Everybody knew this famous story decades ago, even children. They proudly pronounced the names of spaceships, remembered the dates of flights, the names and biographies of the first cosmonauts. Over the years, dates start to be forgotten, followed by names. Scientific and technical details were left for specialists. Today, few people will name astronauts working in orbit. Space exploration ceased to be a sensation. The passions concerning space technology, preparation and implementation of space flights, calmed down.

But the start of the first spacecraft and 108 minutes spent by the first cosmonaut of the planet in near-earth orbit will not be erased in the memory - just one orbit, which has become one of the greatest events in the entire history of civilization.

Astronautics, as a new area of human activity, has grown and flourished on the scientific and technical basis  intended for the creation of weapons. However, the people who created rockets and spaceships were already thinking about fundamental science, about the potential for industry and the economy, about the ecology of the Earth. We are proud that scientists and specialists of the institutes of the Federal Research Center "KSC of SB RAS" are involved in numerous events related to space exploration. Currently, we have accumulated a wide range of competences in this science-intensive area.

On this significant day for the country, we wish all the employees of our Center new heights, achievement of the most cherished goals. We are sure that we have a lot of discoveries and a lot of interesting work ahead of us.

Scientific supervisor of the Federal Research Center of KSC SB RAS, Academician of RAS V.F.Shabanov

Happy Cosmonautics Day - one of the greatest days in Russian and world history!

Acting Director of the Federal Research Center of KSC SB RAS, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
A.A. Shpedt.

Scientific supervisor of the Federal Research Center of the KSC SB RAS, Academician of the RAS V.F. Shabanov

