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Federal Research Center 
"Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the Siberian
Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"

 Федеральный исследовательский центр «Красноярский научный центр Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук»

Federal Research Center 
"Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the Siberian
Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"

Krasnoyarsk scientists offer free screenings of popular science films

18 November 2019 г. FRC KSC SB RAS

Красноярские ученые приглашают на бесплатные показы  научно-популярных фильмов
Krasnoyarsk Science Center of SB RAS invites everyone to take part in the festival of contemporary scientific cinema (FANK). Free screenings of popular science films will take place in the creative space "Yushin brothers" (Dubrovinskogo St, 1i) on November 21 and 28 and in the children's technopark "Quantorium" (Karl Marx St., 102 a) on November 19 and 26. Viewers will get acquainted with the best foreign popular science films of recent years.

The FANK program includes films on artificial intelligence, interaction of art and science, consequences of the Chernobyl accident, and an experiment film which explores what happens if scientists from different fields of science are sent to the laboratory of each other. After each screening, it will be possible to discuss the film with an expert scientist who will not only comment on its content, but also provide information on the development of the corresponding field of science.

“For several years now, we have been organizing the screenings of popular science films combined with their discussion for residents of the city. This is a very lively and popular format. After the film, you can talk with an expert scientist in a relaxed atmosphere, find out his opinion about the film, and development of modern science. Most often, the discussion significantly expands and complements the scope of what was seen on the screen. Everyone is interested in such activities, from enthusiastic schoolchildren to adults who are striving for self-development, ”says Yegor Zadereev, one of the organizers of the show, the head of the scientific communications group of the Krasnoyarsk Science Center of SB RAS.

The festival of contemporary scientific cinema with the participation of Krasnoyarsk scientists is held as part of the All-Russian festival FANK. From October to December 2019, dozens of universities and research institutes across the country show documentaries on science and new technologies for free. The project “Scientific Cinema Days” aims to introduce as many viewers as possible to modern scientific cinema, to interest people in science, and possibly, to inspire their own research.

You can sign up for film screenings in the event groups on social networks or through the campaign coordinators.

Groups in social networks:



Head of the scientific communications group of the Krasnoyarsk science Center SB RAS Yegor Zadereev, +7 3912 43 89 32, egor@ibp.ru

The group specialist — Ekaterina Burchevskaya, +7 983 144 41 15, burchevskaya@ksc.krasn.ru

The projected is supported by the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

19 November 18.30
“Quantorium”, Dubrovinskogo st., 1i

“Reason, Heart, Soul”
Ekaterina Eremenko/Germany/2018
Registration: https://krasnoyarsk-science.timepad.ru/event/1108951/
Six teachers of mathematics and physics would like to share the fairness of their research. They are organizing a competition in hopes to encourage artists to create innovative masterpieces based on modern science. To estimate the results a jury is invited which consists of 6 experts in the field of art, fashion and architecture.

Invited scientist/expert:
Mikhail Krakhalev, Cand. of Phys. and Math. Sci., senior research associate of the Laboratory of Molecular Spectroscopy at the L.V.Kirensky Institute of Physics SB RAS.

21 November 19.00
Yushin brothers, Karl Marx st., 102a

“Chernobyl. Come-back”
Armin Kurash/Poland/2019

Registration: https://krasnoyarsk-science.timepad.ru/event/1108956/

In 1986, after the Chernobyl disaster, 116 thousand people were evacuated. But few people know that more than 300 thousand people were involved in the remediation measures taken after of the accident. For many years they were preparing for a unique event: building of a new shelter, which would forever cover the old sarcophagus of the fourth reactor. A come-back to Chernobyl is a story about people fighting the unknown environment for the sake of humanity.

Invited scientist/expert:
Tatian Zotina, Cand. of Biol. Sci., senior research associate of the Laboratory of Radioecology at the Institute of Biophysics SB RAS.

26 November 18.30
“Quantorium”, Dubrovinskogo st., 1i

“Do you trust your computer?”
Chris Paine/USA/2018

Registration: https://krasnoyarsk-science.timepad.ru/event/1108950/

“Your computer knows more about you than your mother,” experts say in the Chris Paine’s film. And their opinion is worth listening to: an inventor Ilon Musk, futurologist Raymond Kurzweil, director Jonathan Nolan and many others starred the film. The film summarizes everything we know about pros and cons of the development of artificial intelligence without useless emotions. Nowadays artificial intelligence is used everywhere - from laptops to robotics, from military drones to advertisements on your Facebook. The film is devoted to Stephen Hawking, who claimed that one day humanity would be in danger of extinction due to its race for super-machine intelligence.

Invited scientist/expert:
Sergey Bartsev, Dr. of Phys. and Math. Sci., head of the Laboratory of Theoretical Biophysics at the Institute of Biophysics KSC SB RAS.

28 November 19.00
Yushin brothers, Karl Marx st., 102a

“The most unknown”
Ian Cheney/Great Britain/2019

Registration: https://krasnoyarsk-science.timepad.ru/event/1115566/

An experiment film built around an elegant idea: what happens if you take several scientists from very distant fields of science and send them to each other’s laboratory as trainees, guests and interviewers at the same time?

Invited scientist/expert:
Vladimir Zabluda, Cand. of Phys. and Math. Sci., senior research associate of the Laboratory of Physics of Magnetic Phenomena at the Institute of Physics KSC SB RAS.

