Space week with scientists from the Krasnoyarsk Science Center of SB RAS
10 April 2023 г.

The theme of space is immense, like space itself; it has influenced not only science, and scientific and technological progress, but also culture, so we decided to devote the whole “Space Week” to this holiday. A series of events will be held at various venues of FRC KSC SB RAS together with our scientists.
Exhibition of astrophotography, a walk through the starry sky, a lecture "Tunguska phenomenon".
April 12, 18:30
Venue: ICAAE Krasnoyarsk, st. A. Lebedeva, 78, 2nd floor.
The event will begin at 18:30 with the opening of an exhibition of astrophotography by students of the Photon School of Scientific and Technical Creativity. To continue the topic, at 19:00 there will be a virtual walk through the starry sky together with Roman Moryachkov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Junior Researcher at the Laboratory of Digital Controlled Drugs and Theranostics of KSC SB RAS. In addition, viewers will also consider deep space objects in these constellations. Such objects can only be observed in dark skies with the help of optical instruments: binoculars and telescopes.
At the end of the evening, the guests will attend the lecture "A New Concept of the Tunguska Phenomenon" by Sergei Karpov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher at the L.V. Kirensky Institute of Physics SB RAS. Sergey Karpov will talk about the Tunguska phenomenon, which, according to modern research, was caused by an iron asteroid body that passed through the Earth's atmosphere and continued to move in a circumsolar orbit.
Free admission. Registration via the link
Lecture "View from space"
April 12, 19:00
Venue: film lecture hall of the Museum Center "Ploshchad Mira", st. Mira 1
As part of the "Public Lecture Hall" project, a lecture by Evgeny Ponomarev, Candidate of Technical Sciences at the V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS.
With the advent of artificial satellites, humans have an opportunity to look at the planet as a whole. The guests will learn what Krasnoyarsk looks like from space and why the data obtained from satellites is useful, for example, in helping to monitor forest fires.
Talk show SCIENTISTS ABOUT MOVIES: Interstellar, Apollo 13 and the Mystery of the Third Planet. Teleconference Krasnoyarsk-Novosibirsk-Tomsk
April 13, 19:00
Venue: ICAAE Krasnoyarsk, st. A. Lebedeva, 78, 2nd floor.
The guests will find out how popular films and cartoons are related to the developments of Siberian scientists. Experts from Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk and Tomsk will talk about new developments and research aimed at studying space objects and phenomena during the teleconference.
Alexander Freidman, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Strong Magnetic Fields at the L.V. Kirensky Institute of Physics SB RAS will analyze a fragment of the famous science fiction film "Interstellar", which shows a black hole. Visualization of the object was specifically created for the film on the basis of theoretical calculations by astrophysicist Kip Thorne. Later, thanks to the UNT radio telescope, scientists confirmed that the black hole looks exactly like this.
Admission is free, pre-registration at the link
Space Evening "Open Space"
April 14, 22:00
Venue: Cultural space "Dom". Prospect Mira 49, 3rd floor. 18+
Let's go through the scale of the Universe from our planet to the borders of the region of the Universe that we see. Consider our address on a world map that is larger and larger than most people imagine. The guests will listen to a lecture by Roman Moryachkov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Junior Researcher at the Laboratory of Digital Controlled Drugs and Theranostics of KSC SB RAS. After the lecture, they will be able to stay for the dance part and, to the incendiary rhythms of electronic music of DJs, imagine themselves among distant planets. The genre of electronic music appeared in the 1960s and is considered a symbol of the space age. The media design of the hall will use space photographs taken by amateur astronomers of the KrasAstro community. The lecture starts at 22:00.
Ticket price: until midnight - 500 ₽, after 00:00 - 1000 ₽, for companies of 5 people and more - 500 ₽
"Listening to space records"
April 16, 18:00.
Venue: Cultural space “Circles”. Prospekt Mira 49, 2nd floor.
During the pioneer flights of Soviet cosmonauts, the musicians created compositions that inspired the distant space exploration and reflected the connection of mankind with space. For example, the composer Alexei Arabaev wrote the song "Man and Space", which became a real hit of that time. The famous song "Grass near the House" by the Soviet and Russian rock band "Earthlings" became one of the most popular songs of the Soviet era.
This evening you will be able to bring your favorite space vinyl records, listen to them in a cozy company and, perhaps, share an interesting story related to this music. Anastasia Tamarovskaya and Maria Baikalova, specialists of the Scientific Communication Service of the Krasnoyarsk Science Center of SB RAS, who will start the evening, will also bring their favorite space records.
Free admission.
Congratulations to colleagues and everyone involved in space technology. We are waiting for everyone to celebrate this wonderful holiday!