West-Siberian Department of the V.N.Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS (WSD IF SB RAS)

The Department was separated from the Biological Institute of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences and transferred to the Forest Institute in 1975. In 1975-2016 it functioned as a department (branch) of the Institute of Forest and Wood of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (V.N.Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS). In 2016, in connection with the formation of the Federal Research Center Krasnoyarsk Science Center, it was transformed into the West-Siberian Department of the Institute of Forest SB RAS - a branch of FRC KSC SB RAS.
The main scientific directions
The Forest Genetic Resources Group provides scientific support for programs on forest genetics, selection and seed production in Western Siberia (Altai Territory, Novosibirsk Region, Altai Republic, etc.), and also conducts research on the genetic heterogeneity of coniferous populations on the basis of different features(morphometric, phenetic , physiological, chemical, biochemical).
The scientific group of the forest-forming process is engaged in the development of the scientific foundations of forest typology, the study of the forest-forming process, and the development of methods for the forest remediation of technogenic areas.
The interdepartmental scientific and educational laboratory of plantation forestry conducts the following studies: approbation of existing and development of new methods and technologies of plantation forestry; comprehensive study of objects of the Unified Genetic and Selection Complex (UGSC) of the main forest-forming species in Siberia; development of methods for measuring trees using photogrammetry and laser scanning tools, development of databases and creation of electronic collections of valuable plants and their clones in the form of stereoscopic models. The work is carried out jointly with the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Novosibirsk State Agrarian University and Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies.
630082 Novosibirsk, P.O.Box 45, Zhukovskogo St., 100/1
Tel. +7 383 2273330
Secretary telephone +7 383 2282145
Official site of the Institute: http://wsab-forest.sbras.ru
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Director Tarakanov Vyacheslav Veniaminivich Doctor of Agricultural Sciences +7 383 2273330 |