A solemn meeting dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of Academician L.V. Kirensky was held in Krasnoyarsk.
8 April 2019 г.

“Each anniversary is not only a reason to remember a person who did so much for science not only in Krasnoyarsk, but in Russia as a whole, but also to remember the history,” said Nikolai Perov, head of the magnetism department at the Physics Faculty of Moscow State University – Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor. Nikolai Sergeevich made a presentation “On the history of the magnetic school at Moscow State University” and also presented the Krasnoyarsk scientists with the candidate work of Leonid Kirensky. Sergey Popkov, Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences presented another scientific report "Size Effects in Nanoparticles - Development of Impulsive Magnetic Fields at the L.V. Kirensky Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences".
The event ended with the traditional laying of flowers at the monument to Leonid Vasilyevich in Akademgorodok.