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Federal Research Center 
"Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the Siberian
Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"

 Федеральный исследовательский центр «Красноярский научный центр Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук»

Federal Research Center 
"Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the Siberian
Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"

An exhibition of scientific photography will open in Krasnoyarsk for Science Day

27 January 2021 г. FRC KSC SB RAS

В Красноярске ко дню науки откроется выставка научной фотографии
The Federal Research Center "Krasnoyarsk Science Center of SB RAS" and the creative space "Frame" present an exhibition of scientific photography "Objects and Structures". The exposition will open on February 4 and will be timed to coincide with the Day of Russian Science. Photographer Anastasia Tamarovskaya and artist Alexei Shidlovsky in their creative experiment reveal the work of Krasnoyarsk scientists in an unexpected way.

The exhibition “Objects and Structures” is an artistic way of presenting scientific data and directions of science in Krasnoyarsk, being the result of interaction between artists and scientists. During two weeks of the exhibition, visitors will be able to get acquainted with the amazing world of science, look at it through the eyes of an artist. During the exhibition, a series of popular science lectures, film screenings and open discussions about science will be held in the creative space.

“This is an experiment for us. With the exhibition, we want to integrate into the artistic area of the city, to show science from an unusual side. 2021 has been declared the year of science and technology in Russia. Traditionally, we talked about science in terms of achievements, discoveries, figures and facts. Perhaps, the time has come to talk in images, ” says one of the exhibition curators, head of the scientific communications group of the Federal Research Center “KSC SB RAS ” Yegor Zadereev.


February 4, 19.30

Opening of the exhibition of scientific photography "Objects and Structures". Authors of works: photographer Anastasia Tamarovskaya, artist-architect Alexey Shidlovsky. An evening gathering with a special atmosphere, music, prizes (scientific tattoo, scientific calendar) and other pleasant surprises await guests.

February 8 (Day of Russian Science), 19.30

Popular science lecture by Yegor Zadereev "10 images that changed science."

Registration (seats are limited): https://krasnoyarsk-science.timepad.ru/event/1534905/

February 11, 19.30

Open meeting of the cinema club "Cinema with Associate Professor". A viewing and discussion of the documentary "Signs of Life" (Russia, 2018). Presenter: Yegor Zadereev.

The film tells about the construction of the city of the future "Innopolis" in Tatarstan, which attracts the best IT specialists from all over the country. But most of the workers are ordinary people who came here from neighboring villages. Will the people of the old and the new world be able to get along together? The theme of the film echoes the theme of the exhibition and it is another reason to understand what technology means to us and how it will change us.

Registration (seats are limited): https://krasnoyarsk-science.timepad.ru/event/1534906/

February 18, 19.30

Closing of the exhibition "Objects and Structures". Open discussion about trends in science photography and art, and the role of images in science. Presenter: Yegor Zadereev. Participants: photographer Anastasia Tamarovskaya, artist-architect Alexey Shidlovsky.

The exhibition and all the events will be held at st. Lenin 113, 5th floor, creative space "Frame".

Admission to all events is free.

