Exhibition of scientific photography opened in Krasnoyarsk on the occasion of the Day of Russian Science
5 February 2021 г. FRC KSC SB RAS

“The organizers of the exhibition have proven that science can inspire artists. Such projects are important for the development of Science & Art in Krasnoyarsk. The exhibition "Objects and Structures" is another means for Krasnoyarsk to penetrate into to the world of art and science. Stunning photos, a great idea and, which is most importantly, the proximity to the scientific achievements of Krasnoyarsk researchers are right in front of you. Science is interesting, and the combination of a microscope and photography is simply fascinating. Visitors will have the opportunity to get inspired, study, and immerse themselves in two amazing worlds at once, ” shares her impressions Veronika Golovchits, an editor of the portal Culture24.
“Objects and Structures” is an artistic way of presenting scientific data and directions of science in Krasnoyarsk, being the result of interaction between artists and scientists.
A series of photos "Objects" tells about the directions of scientific research of scientists in Krasnoyarsk. The pictures were taken for the corporate scientific calendar of the Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS. The authors were faced with the task of showing the work of all the institutions included into the center in a minimalistic and, at the same time, technological way.
“The idea to hold an exhibition arose after a series of photographs for the scientific calendar of the Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS. Crystals, films, glowing bacteria and other objects are so amazing from an aesthetic point of view that they are worthy of creative spaces and attention of citizens. Our exhibition, which we specially organized in an unusual format, had a lively response from viewers " says Anastasia Tamarovskaya, a public relations specialist at the Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS and a photographer.
A series of spheriographic collages "Structures" is the result of the artist's work with photos obtained at the Center for Collective Use of KSC SB RAS, using an electron scanning microscope.
During the two weeks of the exhibition, a series of popular science lectures, film screenings and open discussions about science will be held in the creative space.
On February 8, at 19.30 we are waiting for everyone to attend the lecture by the head of the scientific communications group Yegor Zadereev "10 images which changed science."
Registration for the event is offline (the number of places is limited) https://krasnoyarsk-science.timepad.ru/event/1534905/
Live broadcast https://zoom.us/j/94947746070?pwd=elhiNkM5eG9ac0R0amxvSVBwbTNhUT09
Conference ID: 949 4774 6070, Access Code: 333553