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Federal Research Center 
"Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the Siberian
Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"

 Федеральный исследовательский центр «Красноярский научный центр Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук»

Federal Research Center 
"Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the Siberian
Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"

Krasnoyarsk biophysicists told the Vesti TV channel about the legendary project BIOS

16 April 2021 г.

Красноярские биофизики рассказали телеканалу Вести о легендарном проекте "БИОС"
Almost 50 years ago, a special bunker was built in the basement of the Institute of Biophysics, where scientists created a closed ecosystem. This was supposed to help, for example, in the exploration of Mars. Siberian scientists were able to obtain a closed cycle concerning gas, water and 80 percent in food. Our biologists learned to grow lettuce, beet, potatoes, cucumbers under artificial lighting. During the perestroika period, BIOS was mothballed, but the bunker itself was not demolished. The project was preserved, and the technologies were modernized. Other countries are highly interested in the development of Krasnoyarsk scientists. Research has continued up to now. Alexander Tikhomirov, head of the laboratory at the Institute of Biophysics, told the TV channel Vesti about this legendary project.

BIOS-3 itself, a closed life support module, was created by Krasnoyarsk scientists by the order of Sergei Korolev. 40 years ago a team of 3 people lived here. The experiment became a worldwide sensation. A team lived for half a year in a closed system, and no one in the world had done this before. During the perestroika period "BIOS-3" was mothballed, and the module is empty now. Meanwhile, China is surprising the world community with experiments similar to BIOS which are called the Moon Palace. However, not everyone knows that when creating it, the Chinese actively consulted and applied the experience of Krasnoyarsk scientists. At present, another important project concerning life support systems has been developed at the Institute of Biophysics, namely a device for the processing of biological waste.