Krasnoyarsk Science Center of SB RAS became the winner of the competition for the creation of seed and animal breeding centers
20 May 2021 г. FRC KSC SB RAS

"One of the main tasks of the Krasnoyarsk Science Center is to ensure food security of the Siberian Federal Region. In particular, of priority is research in the field of agriculture aimed at introducing modern technologies in the agro-industrial complex in order to create new generation varieties with different ripening periods which combine high productivity and quality indicators with complex resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, satisfying the requirements of agricultural producers, consumer market and environmental safety in terms of economically valuable characteristics. The center deals with the creation and development of a competitive fund of original seed material of domestic varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops, as well as on the development of new technologies which promote breeding achievements on the market.
In recent years, more than 20 new varieties of soft spring wheat have been created as well as those of spring barley, winter rye, sowing peas, apple trees, honeysuckle, red and black currants, sea buckthorn, and felt cherry. At the same time, it is important not only to get a new variety, but also to develop technologies for its cultivation, taking into account soil and climatic conditions.
The program will be implemented, taking into account the regional soil and climatic peculiarities, which will ensure the demand for the varieties of agricultural crops among agricultural producers of the Krasnoyarsk Region and the Angara-Yenisei macroregion, in order to introduce the results of the breeding center into the real sector of economy ", - comments on the victory in the competition the acting director of FRC KSC SB RAS , Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Alexander Shpedt.
Congratulations to the staff of the Federal Research Center, employees of institutes and agricultural units with a victory in the competition!