Doctors of KSC SB RAS call for vaccination against COVID-19
5 April 2021 г.

The incidence of coronavirus infection continues to remain at a high level today. The only effective way to protect oneself and the loved ones from the disease which can take lives or permanently worsen health is vaccination. It is necessary for everyone, but especially imperative for those with chronic diseases, including diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and obesity. Even if a vaccinated person gets sick, the likelihood of developing complications and a severe course of the disease will be almost zero.
The purpose of a large-scale vaccination is not only to protect an individual, but also other people around him. When there are 70% of vaccinated people in a society, a collective immunity to a certain infection is formed. Vaccinated people create a safe environment for those without immunity. The chances of survival of the elderly and population from other high-risk groups for COVID-19 will significantly increase, there will be no mass infection of citizens. The more people will at the same time get temporary, if not permanent, immunity to SARS-CoV-2, the lower the risk of getting sick in people who are not immune to infection, and the sooner the pandemic will end. Lack of readiness and hesitation about vaccination slows down the community immunity formation process.
The main emotion prevailing in society today is fear. This is fear of getting infected, getting sick and dying, fear for our loved ones. This is fear to remain forever in a world full of prohibitions and restrictions. And whoever is infected with the fear of illness is already infected with the disease of fear: the level of critical thinking decreases, panic moods develop, and a high level of stress among the population is maintained. As a result, anxious, panicky people who are in a state of constant stress are at an increased risk of developing not only cardiovascular diseases and mental disorders, but also the very COVID-19.
Vaccination reduces the level of anxiety, creates a feeling of security, stabilizes the psyche not only of vaccinated citizens, but also those around them.
A large scale vaccination will help us quickly return to our previous way of life: meeting with friends, playing sports, relaxing at our favorite resorts, and traveling.
You can sign up for the vaccination by phone or in person at the registry of your clinic, through your personal account on the portal, or through your personal account on the State Services Portal
Administration of the Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North