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Federal Research Center 
"Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the Siberian
Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"

 Федеральный исследовательский центр «Красноярский научный центр Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук»

Federal Research Center 
"Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the Siberian
Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"

RAS-supervised schools start their new academic year

16 September 2020 г. FRC KSC SB RAS

Опорные школы РАН в Красноярске начинают новый учебный год
In 2019, a new project – RAS-supervised schools - was launched in Russia. This includes 100 schools across the country. In Krasnoyarsk, according to the results of an independent research, three establishments were selected: school 10, lyceum 7 and gymnasium 13. These schools are supervised by researchers from the Krasnoyarsk Science Center of SB RAS. The project has many goals, such as to give talented children an opportunity to get into the scientific world, expand their understanding of science, find a university and direction which is in demand, and build a career.

According to the results of the first year, schoolchildren studying in academic classes presented projects at a conference of future scientists. And the new academic year began for them with an inspiring lecture on photonics by the invited guest Andrey Naumov, a Russian physicist, specialist in optics and spectroscopy, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of RAS. Andrey Naumov delivered his lectures in all the three Krasnoyarsk schools of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

“It obvious that many students are highly motivated. Owing to the format of RAS-supervised schools, they have the opportunity to communicate with professors from different cities, and to learn that many areas of science have become interdisciplinary. They are aware that while dealing with physics, the guys can find themselves in medicine, and studying biology they may have to deal with chemistry etc. Today, if they want to study in Stanford, they don't have to enter it. They can come to a research group which cooperates with this university. They can study, say, at the teacher's college here, and go for an internship and work there. The career path in science has become completely different. For example, now we need a science journalist in our group. A person who will popularly talk about the results obtained by our research team. We need doctors, and chemists to synthesize materials. And earlier the only way to get to us was to graduate from the basic department of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. The scientific world has changed and the project of the RAS-supervised school is necessary for children to see it, ” says Andrey Naumov.

For schools, participation in such a project is not only the confirmation of status, but also an opportunity to exchange experience with other schools of the project. The director of school 10, Tatyana Kazanova, answers the questions what is the principle used in choosing a class for the project and how a student can get to lectures of eminent professors and to the laboratories: “Our a school is specialized in physics and mathematics, therefore, a math class has been participating in the project since its seventh year of studies. Other children can also attend lectures provided by RAS if  they want, it is not obligatory to study in the specialized class. They are accessible for any student."

