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Federal Research Center 
"Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the Siberian
Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"

 Федеральный исследовательский центр «Красноярский научный центр Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук»

Federal Research Center 
"Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the Siberian
Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"

GIS technologies and digitalization of the farming system will allow improving the cost-effectiveness of agriculture

7 September 2021 г.

Повысить рентабельность сельского хозяйства помогут ГИС-технологии и цифровизация системы земледелия
Scientists and agrarians of the Federal Research Center "Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS" took part in the regional agricultural exhibition "Field Day - 2021".

Field days are almost a century old practice. The first experimental field Kazachinskoye was created in 1909. The next one was the Krasnoyarsk experimental field in 1910, followed by the Minusinskoye one in 1911. At that time the demonstration of equipment, seed cleaning machines and experimental crops began. Later, fertilizers were included in the demonstration. Now the main “object of the dexhibition” is the varieties both of our own seed breeding and from other regions. This is very important so that specialists could understand in advance what the yield of each variety will be. And this practice continues.

In 2021, in order to demonstrate scientific and technical agricultural achievements for the conditions of the Angara-Yenisei macroregion, three experimental demonstration sites were laid in separate subdivisions of the FRC KSC SB RAS - in the Krasnoyarsk Research Institute of Agriculture and the Kuraginskoye and Mikhailovskoye experimental production farms. There, the Ministry of Agriculture and Trade of the Krasnoyarsk Territory organized a demonstration of the most promising selection and seed-growing crops of agricultural crops.

In 2021, in order to demonstrate scientific and technical agricultural achievements for the conditions of the Angara-Yenisei macroregion, three experimental demonstration sites were laid in separate subdivisions of FRC KSC SB RAS - in the Krasnoyarsk Research Institute of Agriculture and Kuraguinskoye and Mikhailovskoye experimental production farms. There, the Ministry of Agriculture and Trade of the Krasnoyarsk Region organized the demonstration of the most promising selection and seed-growing crops of agricultural plants.

On the first day of the exhibition, two sites were shown at the experimental field of the Krasnoyarsk Research Institute of Agriculture in the village Minino. At the first experimental field the selection achievements of the Krasnoyarsk agrarians were presented. These are varieties of spring wheat (Kanskaya, Krasnoyarskaya-12, Kuraguinskaya-2, Svirel, Beiskaya and Uyarochka), spring barley (Buyan, Olenek, Takmak, Abalak, Emelya and Krasnoyarskiy 91), spring oats (Tubinsky, Golets, Kazyr, Sayan) , peas (Annushka, Kemchug, Radomir, Ruslan, Svetozar, Yakhont, Krasnoyarsk 20), winter rye (Krasnoyarsk universal and Arga). There, one could also get acquainted with the varieties of other seed-breeding institutions in Siberia and abroad. The second demonstration site was technological, where the scientifically grounded systemic protection of grain crops was demonstrated. The Krasnoyarsk Research Institute of Agriculture has been cooperating with the company “August” for almost 20 years, which produces drugs to protect crops from pests and diseases. Long-term studies have proved the high efficiency of the preparations.

On the first day of the exhibition on the territory of the Zarya Poultry Farm (Emelyanovo), the participants examined the selection and seed-growing crops of cereals, legumes and oilseeds on an intensive agricultural background, which allowed estimating their varietal potential. The agricultural scientists of the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Agriculture have also been cooperating with this farm for many years.

On the second day, the latest achievements in the field of selection of agricultural crops, as well as the latest developments in the field of modern agricultural technology: forage harvesting, grain harvesting and tillage, equipment for cleaning and processing grain, were demonstrated in the village Borsk, Sukhobuzimsky District, on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University. The exhibition demonstrated the results of scientific and production experiments on the development and implementation of precision farming techniques and cultivation of agricultural crops using resource-saving technologies.

“Creating a new variety is tedious work for ten or even fifteen years. Now the process is accelerating, because there are specialists, necessary background and know-how. We have also developed a farming system for the Krasnoyarsk Region, which is the foundation for all this.

Further development is associated with the following areas. Firstly, it is an update of the instrument base. Over the past two years, the Krasnoyarsk Science Center of SB RAS has received from the federation more than three hundred million roubles this updating. Some of these funds are spent just on the agricultural sector, for buying a dryer, selection harvester, sprayer. New equipment can operate using digital technologies, and modern technologies allow shooting the field from space or from a drone and get the necessary data on the state of plants and soil. In accordance with the information obtained, appropriate fertilizers and plant protection products are used.

Remote sensing and space technologies help in developing as well. Two laboratories are engaged in this direction, which deal with unmanned aerial vehicles, and decryption of space images. The laboratory of Space Systems and Technologies under the leadership of Oleg Yakubailik, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, and Laboratory of Environmental Informatics, headed by Anatoly Shevyrnogov, Doctor of Technical Sciences. They study the condition and soil diversity of crops in the experimental and production fields of our region,” says Alexander Shpedt, Acting Director of FRC KSC SB RAS, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences.

The main goal of the agricultural work at the Federal Research Center "Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS" is to increase the efficiency of agricultural production. Agriculture is still subsidized due to the situation in the economy. The agricultural sector is often unable to raise the prices of its products because it is a matter of food security and social tension, while the price of metals, fuel and lubricants, building materials and other consumables which are used to support work in agricultural complexes are growing.

Every opportunity is being used to support agricultural research. In 2020 and 2021, 50 million roubles were allocated for measures to develop experimental and production farms through buying equipment, fuel and lubricants, and creation of new fruit and berry nurseries.

The center is implementing a large-scale research project on photosynthesis. This is a fundamental process which remains largely unexplored. A team of physicists and biophysicists is working in this direction under the supervision of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vasily Filippovich Shabanov. The Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of SB RAS is developing technologies for the creation and application of organic fertilizers.

One of the latest achievements is a selection and seed-growing center created this year, whose tasks are the development of modern technologies, digitalization of the farming system, search for new genetic materials for seed breeding, and creation of varieties and varietal technologies.

“Every year, breeders of Siberia and other regions of the country send varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops for environmental testing to the scientists of our institute. For each of them, recommendations are given on sowing dates, seeding rates and fertilizer doses. There are varieties of extensive and intensive types, which must be taken into account when growing. Extensive, even under extreme conditions, give a small but stable yield. Intensive ones are more demanding on agrotechnical and weather conditions, but at the same time they are able to give a higher yield. Each farm of the region must cultivate varieties of both types.

The ecological variety testing nursery is very important for the breeder's work, as it clearly demonstrates the advantage of a particular variety in the conditions of the region, ” says Lydia Butkovskaya, Candidate of agricultural sciences, a leading researcher at the Krasnoyarsk Research Institute of Agriculture.

The varieties of wheat, barley, oats and peas of FRC KSC SB RAS are quite promising materials which are of interest both for the production and for the seed breeding process.

Sergey Gerasimov, Candidate of agricultural sciences, head of the laboratory of gray bread selection, leading researcher of the Krasnoyarsk Research Institute of Agriculture, told about the prospects for using new varieties of barley: “Our laboratory is engaged in barley and oat breeding. These are the most important crops after wheat. It is also called gray bread. The main direction here is high quality forage for farm animals. Barley is also a raw material for the brewing industry. We are engaged in the creation of new varieties. Under the supervision of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Surin, 18 varieties of spring barley have been created in the laboratory, which until recently occupied an overwhelming part of the agricultural area in the region and beyond. For example, the varieties Krasnoyarskiy-80 and Kedr occupied up to a million hectares in the region and beyond. Now we have created a new promising material, which is distinguished by higher productivity, and adaptability. "

The achievements of scientists are tested and applied to practice in the experimental farms. According to the director of the Kuraguinskoye, Vladimir Wagner, his enterprise is studying the effect of foliar dressing on the yield of grain crops in the southern forest-steppe of the Krasnoyarsk Region, breeding grain crops, testing new varieties, and spreading seeds of promising varieties of grain crops. Also, a new promising direction is being developed there which is remote sensing of land in agricultural technologies.

“Global challenges such as climate change or world population growth are transforming the food market. Only science can solve such problems. Every year, scientists from the Krasnoyarsk Research Institute of Agriculture complete and register new developments in the field of crop production: new varieties and technological regulations - passports of varietal agricultural technologies. This forms the Siberian strategic food shield. Scientific advances require faster implementation. The most effective format is a field inspection at demonstration sites and farms with instructions on implementation from the developers. "Field Day" as an event is important both for scientists-developers and consumers of agricultural technologies represented by industrial partners ", summed up Alexey Lipshin, candidate of agricultural sciences, director of the Krasnoyarsk Research Institute of Agriculture.

