Instrumentation park of the Federal Research Center "KSC SB RAS" will be replenished with equipment within the framework of the national project "Science"
11 January 2022 г. FRC KSC SB RAS

Federal Research Center "Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center SB RAS" has become one of the winners of the competition. The instrument park of the center for collective use will be replenished in 2022 with equipment worth just over 200 million roubles. This money will be used to purchase modern expensive equipment for research in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, and agriculture.
“We have been participating in the program of updating the instrument base within the framework of the national project “Science” for the third year already. Taking into account the year 2022, the total amount of support will be about 500 million roubles. This is one of the mechanisms for supporting leading scientific organizations, including the Federal Research Center. None of our academic institutes could individually apply for federal funds in such a volume”, - commented Svetlana Sofronova, Deputy Director for Innovation and Educational Activities of the Federal Research Center KSC SB RAS, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.