Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS is recognized to be one of the leading scientific organizations in the country
23 January 2020 г. FRC KSC SB RAS

In 2019, the Ministry of Science and Education, with the participation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, completed an evaluation of the effectiveness of subordinate scientific and educational organizations. Based on the evaluation results, all academic institutions and universities were divided into three categories: leaders, steadily developing ones and outsiders.
In the framework of the national project "Science" the leading organizations are expected to receive ongoing funding as well as funds for development. Steadily developing organizations will receive funds in a stable volume, but they will have slightly fewer opportunities to receive large financial investments for the implementation of large projects. Outsiders, in turn, will have to provide development programs or prove their ability to reorganize and improve their efficiency.
In 2017, the Ministry evaluated the effectiveness of academic institutions which were not transformed into new integrated entities and didn’t participate in the process of reorganization. Last year, during the second stage, the assessment touched upon other institutions subject to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education – mainly, federal research centers (FIC) and universities. Moreover, some organizations assigned to the first category received the status of leaders.
According to the vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician of RAS, Aleksey Removich Khokhlov, on average, about 26% of organizations fell into the first category, 50% to the second and 24% to the third.
As noted by Academician, Aleksey Khokhlov, among the organizations of the first category, an additional selection of leaders was conducted. As a result, out of 147 organizations of all the departments assigned to the first category, 75 were recognized as leaders. The Krasnoyarsk Science Center of SB RAS was among them. Recognition of the scientific organization as leading means that over the next 5 years, within the framework of the national project “Science”, it will be able to apply for major upgrade of its instrument base and other financial preferences.
It should be noted that the association uniting the Krasnoyarsk academic institutions into a federal research center has paid off. Today, the Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS by publication indicators (total number of publications; number of publications in foreign and Russian translated journals; total number of publications in journals included in the Web of Science or Scopus) is among the three best organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moreover, according to the Russian Science Citation Index, the total number of publications of scientists of KSC SB RAS over the past 9 years has grown by almost 2 times, the number of publications in journals, including those included in the Web of Science or Scopus databases, by 1.5 times. In general, if we talk about scientific articles quoted in the scientific community in journals included in the Web of Science or Scopus, scientists of the Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS have about one article published per year for each researcher. This is several times higher than the national average and is comparable with international criteria for the effectiveness of scientific activity.
Over the three years of the existence of the Center, stable scientific contacts between scientists from different institutes were built. Last year, seven new laboratories for young scientists were established at the Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS. Some of these laboratories are multidisciplinary. The laboratory of digitally controlled drugs and theranostics includes physicians, physicists and biophysicists with the common task of developing diagnostic methods and tools, medical imaging and therapy for socially significant diseases based on DNA aptamers.
In the laboratory of space systems and technologies, specialists in the field of computer science and technology, ecology, biophysics and agriculture are developing mathematical tools and software for analyzing the state of the environment of the Krasnoyarsk Region based on Earth remote sensing data and on-line monitoring systems. At the end of last year, the laboratory launched an on-line air monitoring system of the Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS which is accessible for all users. This project simultaneously implements important scientific and social tasks. For scientists, the network of certified sensors provides valuable data on the state of the atmosphere to be used for practical developments to improve the environmental situation in the city. Citizens now have access to reliable information of the air quality.
In 2019, the Krasnoyarsk Science Center of SB RAS, among twenty leading scientific organizations of the country, became the winner of the competition of projects for the development of collective use centers, which will allow starting a large-scale update of the instrument base.
Last year, scientists of KSC SB RAS won a mega-grant to attract leading foreign scientists to the establishment of world-class laboratories. As part of the megagrant in Krasnoyarsk, a new laboratory will be created for the synthesis and study of promising nanostructures with controlled properties - MAX phases.
The official recognition of the Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS as one of the leading scientific organizations in the country opens up new opportunities for the development of science in the Region. However, high status is not a guarantee of a comfortable existence. As far as the funds of the national project "Science" are concerned, there is a competition even among the leading organizations of the country. Moreover, the status itself is not given on an ongoing basis. The evaluation of institutions effectiveness is expected to be held every five years. It will be necessary to confirm the "highest category" by scientific results and developments.
It should be noted that the Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS is the only scientific and educational organization in the Region subordinate to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, which received the first category.