Krasnoyarsk Science Center increased its membership by a full member of RAS
15 November 2019 г.

Mikhail Ivanovich Gladyshev - Head of the Laboratory of Experimental Hydroecology, Institute of Biophysics SB RAS, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, specialist in the field of hydrobiology and environmental biophysics, author of 211 scientific works, including a monograph, an educational textbook and 2 copyright certificates (patents)
The main scientific results:
- scientific basis was created for biomanipulating pelagic trophic networks beyond the trophic cascade and successful biomanipulation was performed in a socially significant recreational reservoir, which led to the cessation of the water "blooming" caused by cyanobacteria;
- unique biospheric role of aquatic ecosystems as the main source of essential long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 family (PUFA) for most animals, including inhabitants of terrestrial ecosystems and humans, was proved;
- efficiency of the PUFA transfer along the trophic chain was proved to be more than 2 times higher than that of other organic substances (total organic carbon).
Mikhail Gladyshev is involved in the teaching and training of scientific staff: he is the head of the Department of Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems at the Siberian Federal University; there are 2 doctors and 11 candidates of sciences among his students. He is a member of two dissertation councils at the Federal Research Center KSC SB RAS and Siberian Federal University.
He also makes a lot of scientific and organizational work: he is a member of the Scientific Board for Hydrobiology and Ichthyology of the Department of Biological Sciences of RAS, Bureau of the Central Council of the Hydrobiological Society at RAS, Joint Scientific Council of SB RAS for Biological Sciences, Academic Council of the Federal Research Center "Krasnoyarsk Science Center" SB RAS, and a member of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission.
Gladyshev M.I. is an editor-in-chief of the “SibFU Journal”, deputy editor-in-chief of the “Siberian Ecological Journal”, member of the editorial board of the journal “Freshwater Biology”.
We congratulate Mikhail Ivanovich on his honorary title and wish him further success in his scientific work.
For reference:
The Russian Academy of Sciences is the largest center for basic research in the country. The main goal of RAS is to organize and conduct fundamental and applied scientific research aimed at gaining new knowledge about the evolution laws of nature, society, and man, contributing to the technological, economic, social and cultural development of Russia. Being the highest scientific organization in Russia, RAS takes part in the coordination of fundamental research being carried out by scientific organizations and educational institutions of higher professional education. The Academy of Sciences includes about 900 academicians and a little more than 1000 corresponding members.