According to scientists of the V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest KSC SB RAS, the forest legislation is also to blame for the forest fires now occurring in Siberia, as it allows one not to extinguish fires in almost half of the country's forest area.
“The problem of forest fires is due to two main factors: climate change and shortcomings of the system of forest protection fr om fires. These shortcomings have especially manifested itself since 2007, with the introduction of the new Forest Code in the Russian Federation. As the scientists note, this code is the worst and most undesirable in the entire history of the country's forestry, ” says the head of the Laboratory of Forest Pyrology at the Institute of Forest SB RAS, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Petr Alekseevich Tsvetkov.
According to the researcher, the main problem lies in so-called control zones. These are remote areas wh ere, according to the resolution of the Federal Forestry Agency in 2015, it is allowed not to extinguish fires under certain conditions. As a rule, such forests are located far in the North. The decision on the appropriateness of fire fighting there is to be made by a special commission. However, in fact, everything started to be attributed to the control zones so as not to be responsible for extinguishing fires - areas located near settlements, and areas adjacent to road networks, and even those wh ere logging is carried out. According to the scientist, the control zone currently makes up almost half of the country's forest fund. Now it is supposed to significantly reduce it so that it amounts to no more than 45–47% of the existing forest area.
“It is also imperative to increase budget funding aimed at the prevention and suppression of forest fires. Moreover, the money must be allocated in advance rather than after a critical situation has developed. Currently, this financial support makes up only 10% of the required one. At this level, the extent of forest fires will steadily grow, ” says Petr Tsvetkov.
The third proposal of the Krasnoyarsk scientists is to tighten the requirements for preventive burning in agricultural centers. In Russia, the portion of forest fires due to preventive burning out is about 40-50%.
“We must introduce a system of sustainable forest management, including forest fire management. Only specialists must make decisions here - people who know and love the forest. It is unacceptable for those who cannot distinguish a healthy forest from a windfall to do such things, ” adds the director of the V.N.Sukachev Institute of Forest FRC KSC SB RAS Doctor of Biological Sciences Alexander Aleksandrovich Onuchin.
Source: Science in Siberia