New methods help to restore the forests of Siberia
11 June 2019 г.

As explained by the government of the Krasnoyarsk Region, the goals are ambitious - to reduce to zero the damage to the forests of the region as a result of human activities. That is, the level of reforestation should fully compensate for clear cuttings and death of trees. For this purpose, a model of intensive forest management is being introduced in the region.
- This implies continuous, sustainable use of the “green abundance” of the region and preservation of their ecological functions. Efforts are being made in all directions, including the use of new cultivation technologies and fertilizers, as well as the transition to high-quality planting materials. In addition, the focus is made on ensuring the protection of forest plantations, - says the deputy head of the Regional Ministry of Forestry, Alexey Bolshakov.
All this is done based on innovative technologies designed to improve the efficiency of reforestation.
In particular, it is decided that since 2019 the region will pass to growing seedlings with a closed root system. This approach can significantly enhance the process of growing planting material and improve its quality.
Soon, selection and seed-growing centers are to appear in the region on the basis of large timber industry enterprises. There are preliminary agreements with "Kraslesinvest", Chinese "Tsaishen" and "Segezha Group".
For the first time in 15 years, the modernization of nurseries has been started. In 2018, the Sukhobuzimsky and Uyarsky enterprises were completely re-equipped. 14 other nurseries are to be modernized soon. 8.8 million roubles were allocated from the regional budget for these purposes. This year, the work will continue, and 9.1 million roubles are planned for the technical equipment of nurseries.
Many of the innovations introduced in the region are the result of cooperation with the scientific community, primarily, with the V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS. More than 9 million roubles were allocated for the modernization of forest nurseries in the Krasnoyarsk Region.
“This work is being carried out in several directions: improvement of the technologies for forest regeneration taking into account the regional conditions, development of criteria for accessibility of areas for commercial purposes,” says Alexey Bolshakov. – The specialists of the institute are testing biological products in forest nurseries, estimating silvicultural and economic efficiency of carrying out certain measures for the reproduction of plantations. Forest zoning was made based on the model of extensive and intensive forest management.
In March, the specialists of the Krasnoyarsk forestry were engaged in preparing special "refrigerators": the snow which had not melted was raked in heaps. The seedlings grown in nurseries were placed there right before their planting as the studies showed that in this case they take root better, which means that the efficiency of reforestation is increasing.
Another know-how of regional authorities in the field of reforestation mostly concerns management, but the effect of its implementation is expected to be no smaller than that from scientific and industrial innovations. Since 2019, not only forest industry enterprises engaged in timber harvesting are the participants in the process of restoring and cultivating plantations. Geologists, subsoil users, builders of new hydraulic structures must also now take care of nature. According to the estimates of the Regional Ministry of Forestry, this will allow additional 3.5 thousand hectares to be involved annually in reforestation, which will result in fully balancing the loss of forests due to clear cutting.
In 2019 a federal project “Forest Preservation” was launched in the Krasnoyarsk Region. According to this project, the area of reforestation in the region should increase from the current 70.4 thousand hectares per year to 156.5 thousand. Serious funding is envisaged - from the federal budget over the next two years, the region will receive 320 million roubles. At the expense of the allocated funds, it is planned to equip forest areas with specialized machinery and facilities and to form a more considerable seed stock.