A student of the RAS-supervised school of the Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS took a prize in the All-Russian quiz on physics and astronomy
29 April 2021 г. FRC KSC SB RAS

1009 people from 104 schools located in 56 cities of the Russian Federation took part in the competition. The most active were students of 67 schools working within the framework of the project of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "Basic (pivotal) schools supervised by the Russian Academy of Sciences". Among 63 prize-winners from different parts of Russia, 20 people were able to come to the ceremony to receive awards from academicians.
Among them, a third-degree diploma was awarded to Viktor Sadovsky, a student of the 9th grade of the Krasnoyarsk gymnasium No. 13 "Akadem", one of the RAS-supervised schools. The diploma was handed by the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician, specialist in the field of plasma physics, femtosecond optics, nonlinear dynamics of optical systems and highly sensitive optical measurements, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Alexander Sergeev.
Questions on physics and astronomy were provided by 32 scientists, members of the Physical Sciences Division of RAS: 11 academicians, 10 corresponding members and 11 professors of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All the questions were non-standard, they might have no unambiguous solution, so the students needed to be smart with a broad outlook. Tasks for three age groups (grades 5–7, grades 8–9, grades 10–11) were published every two days on the website of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A total of 4552 responses were received.
The All-Russian quiz on physics and astronomy was held with the aim of identifying and teaching talented children, orienting them towards building a successful career in the field of science and high technologies. Owing to the project, students will have the opportunity to master modern methods of scientific research, advance and verify hypotheses, solve problems without a known result, and many other useful things.
At the solemn event with a welcoming speech, the young experts in physics and astronomy were addressed by:
President of RAS, Academician of RAS, Alexander Sergeev;
Professor of RAS, Andrey Naumov;
Deputy Academician-Secretary of the Physical Sciences Division of RAS, Scientific advisor of the Institute of Solid State Physics of RAS, Academician of RAS, Vitaly Kveder;
Director of the P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute RAS, Corresponding Member of RAS, Nikolai Kolachevsky;
Editor-in-chief of the Prosveshchenie publishing house, Nadezhda Kolesnikova.
After receiving awards and communicating with academicians, the schoolchildren visited the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where they met with the Deputy Director of the Institute, Chairman of the Coordination Council of Professors of RAS, Professor of RAS, Alexander Lutovinov.
In 2020, the quiz was timed to coincide with the celebration of the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War and thus, has the name "Victory". The organizers expect that the competition will become a regular spring event, where school students will have the opportunity to communicate directly with representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences, leading scientists of our country. The second quiz is scheduled for May 1-16, 2021.
“Participation in such events under the auspices of leading scientists, academicians, corresponding members, professors of the Russian Academy of Sciences gives an opportunity to get acquainted with scientists, and to try oneself in solving non-standard problems. In the schools supervised by the Russian Academy of Sciences, children are taught to be creative in solving problems, to conduct research, and non-standard tasks give students the opportunity to open up. Interestingly, a 9th grade student of our RAS-supervised schools with the biomedical direction, took part in the physics quiz. He had to prepare individually. We can see that one and a half years of study at the flagship schools of the Russian Academy of Sciences played a certain role in the victory of a large number of participants throughout the country, ” commented Aleksey Kokorin, Dean of the Faculty of Personnel Training of FRC KSC SB RAS, who is responsible for the project of the RAS-supervised schools in Krasnoyarsk.
Link to the quiz page on the Internet:
Photo by A.V. Ruzaev (Moscow State Pedagogical University).
Link to the video of the awards ceremony: