Scientist of the Krasnoyarsk Science Center of SB RAS took part in the Global Symposium "Keep Soil Alive, Protect Soil Biodiversity"
30 April 2021 г.

Oleg Meniailo, senior researcher, professor at the V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Science presented a report on the influence of nitrogen on the carbon cycle as a soil microorganisms’ function. Today soil organisms are officially recognized as the main producers of greenhouse gases regulating our planet’s climate. Many organizations within the UN system are cooperating closely to study soils and their role in climate change. The expert said that soil functionality and their response to external factors depended on soil biodiversity. Today, the nitrogen cycle is heavily misbalanced. Since Fritz Haber discovered the way of transforming atmospheric nitrogen into mineral fertilizers global food production has increased. However, environmental problems related to the use of such fertilizers have multiplied. When nitrogen deposition is high – 150 kg of nitrogen per hectare annually – forest floor is no longer destructed, which leads to the disruption of the soil’s ability to store carbon and to more soil carbon emissions into the atmosphere. The expert told the audience about a research of nitrogen depositions and CO2 emissions in Russia that was conducted according to international models. "Nitrogen losses were due to increased heterotrophic activity, and it was the forest floor where they took place, as it was demonstrated later by incubatory experiments. Total nitrogen losses per hectare could reach up to 600-650 kg under larch and 1.8-2 tons under pine, surpassing wood biomass increment," the expert detailed. Consequently, "Soil functional activity (carbon storage, fertility) and soil response to changing factors depend on its biota content and characteristics. The correlation of fungal and bacterial biomasses defines soil response to nitrogen fertilizers."
The round table discussion took place as part of the Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity ‘Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity' which was organized by the FAO Global Soil Partnership to spread knowledge on soil biodiversity and promote political and business decisions aimed at sustainable soil management. The conference attracted over 60 participants. The discussion is available at:
Source: Food and agriculture organization of the Unites Nations