Krasnoyarsk Science Center of SB RAS has created a new laboratory of international level
18 December 2020 г.
Mega-grants are an initiative of the Government of the Russian Federation, and their main goal is the creation of advanced laboratories in scientific organizations and universities with the involvement of world-famous scientists for supervising and participating in the scientific research. This contributes to the integration of our country into the world environment, being of great importance both from the scientific view point, and from the view point of foreign policy. The program helps implement structural changes in the management of all Russian science.
“Krasnoyarsk scientists were able to win a Megagrant for the implementation of the project “Natural Nanolayer Materials Perspective for Energy Conversion” due to a combination of several factors. At the L.V.Kirensky Institute of Physics a team of specialists working in the field of magnetic MAX materials has formed during the last several years. This is the only such team in Russia. In total, there are no more than five such research teams in the world”, - shares the details Sergey Ovchinnikov, professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, head of the scientific direction “Magnetism ” at the Institute of Physics FRC KSC SB RAS.
One of the key conditions for the megagrant was the participation of an international expert. Therefore, the head of the laboratory is Michael Farle - Doctor of Natural Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Magnetism direction of the German Physical Society. Professor Farle is known to be one of the world's leading specialists in the study of ultrathin film magnetism. Under his leadership, a team of scientists searched all over the world for suitable equipment for several months, with regard to the best price-quality ratio. Some parts of the installation were ordered from China, other from America and Europe.
The new laboratory of the L.V. Kirensky Institute of Physics SB RAS, which will deal with creating and testing new superconducting and magnetic materials, was named Laboratory of magnetic MAX materials (MagMAX). At present, this direction is becoming especially popular in the world. Scientists expect the facility installed in the laboratory to provide a possibility to carry out breakthrough scientific research in this area. First of all, in fundamental science, but later on, it is also possible to transfer developments to various sectors of the real economy, from electronics to nuclear and space technologies.
“Next year, to develop the technological capabilities of the facility, we will purchase a system for laser pulsed sputtering. Michael Farle also plans to install additional molecular sources, thus adding the capabilities of molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) technology. Further, we plan to supplement the installation with analytical equipment for implementing such research methods as low-energy electron diffraction, medium-energy electron diffraction, reflected fast-electron diffraction, Auger electron spectroscopy and characteristic electron energy loss spectroscopy. Thus, an installation of international level is expected to be built, which will make it possible to obtain and to study in situ these structures in a single cycle,” notes Sergei Varnakov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Deputy Director for Science of the L. V. Kirensky Institute of Physics SB RAS.
Young researchers, as well as graduate students and students of Krasnoyarsk universities, are also included into the staff of this laboratory. The scientific team plans to share the experience gained and it is focused on creating stable contacts with the world's leading scientific centers.